Monday, June 3, 2013


After 3 day of scorching sun and 35 degrees finally weather became just perfect. 25 degree, warm sun, and some fluffy clouds slowly flowing through the blue sky <3
Wonderful weather for... playing Dark Souls dlc hi hi.
Tomorrow's my birthday and even though I like it for the tasty birthday cakes and presents, with every year it becomes more and more depressing... Maybe I should start counting my age in fairy years, not human ones  hi hi.
On the Saturday, when the summer like heath was still on (as I mentioned in my previous post) I went for a nice walk alongside the ocean ^___^

And some more outfit photos from home.
As you can see this time, even though I prefer more intense make up, I went with very small one, only lenses, eyeliner on the upper lid and touche of mascara, but I think there's nothing more awful in this hell like heath, then melting makeup all over the face >___<

Dress: Taobao
Shoes: Taobao
Hat: Wonder Rocket

Thank you for your time ^___^


  1. Wonderful!
    I adore your fairylike look which I can´t do<3

  2. you don't need more make up than that, you're naturally beautiful just the way you are! ^^ And happy birthday! :) Don't think of your birthday as a number, think of everything else :) *hugs*

    1. Thank you so much ^___^
      I'm trying not to focus too much on the numbers, but sometimes its hard not to think of it. But ahh, well as long as I don't look my age I'm OK hi hi.

  3. Happy birthday! Finally I'll post your letter today :) Have a lovely fairy-like day ;) I'm jealous of the nice weather, it's still terrible here :S

  4. The outfit is just so beautiful and perfect! I wish you a happy birthday! <3

  5. Happy birhtday with magic! And fairy happiness with calm heart full of joy, admiration of the world and ispiration. <3

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your nice words <3

  6. Wszystkiego najlepszego Emilko! <3

    Też źle mi z każdym kolejnym rokiem na karku, to takie straszne :`( Ale wiek nie jest ważny tylko to na ile się czujemy i wyglądamy :)

    Śliczna stylizacja. Bardzo podobają mi się butki. Sama planuję zakup brązowych sandałków ale jak jakieś są naprawdę ładne to za wysokie :/ a ja nie lubię wysokich butów. No i kapelusz masz cudowny, z tą koronką <3

    1. Dziękuję Ci serdecznie ^___^
      Też się tego trzymam, że w głowie mam tyle na ile wyglądam hi hi.

  7. You are so cute!
    Have a fun birthday :D

  8. wszystkiego najlepszego Emilko :)
    spełnienia marzeń i ambicji; wielu fajnych gier i słodkich ubranek :)

  9. Oh gosh you're dress is so lovely, you look beautiful! <3 I don't suppose you happen to remember which Taobao shop the dress is from? ^^;

    1. Thank you very much <3
      I'm sorry I bought it about a year ago from some random taobao store and unfortunately I don't have link to it any more.
      But I've found it in other store, so maybe this link will be helpful:

  10. I like your smile on the last picture :) And the hat is so cute!
    And by the way: A belated happy birthday! (mine is tomorrow^^)

    1. Thank you soo much and a little bit late, happy birthday for you too hi hi ^___^

  11. Happy late birthday to you! You're very beautiful with that make up.♥
    And don't worry about getting older, because it's only numbers. ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comment ^__^

  12. your dress is really cool!
    Happy birthday! :)

  13. Wszystkiego najlepszego Emilko!
    Oj ten kompleks wiekowy to raczej każdy ma, ja najpierw chciałam być dorosła a teraz to bym chętnie zatrzymała zegar :)
    Śliczną masz sukienkę oraz kapelusz! :) A o butki jestem zazdrosna, bo przy moim malutkim rozmiarze stopy takich pięknych nigdzie nie dostanę :(

    1. Dziękuję Ci serdecznie za miły komentarz ^___^
      Nie wiem jak mały nosisz rozmiar bucików, ja noszę 34/35 i większość butów kupuje online. Na taobao czy w Yumetenbou można dostać dość małe rozmiary.

    2. Emilko! Nosisz dokładnie mój rozmiar :) czasami waha mi się od 33/34 ^_^ będę patrzyła na tych stronkach, które wymieniłaś :) może coś znajdę dla siebie :)

  14. your outfit is so summery. perfect*-* it must be so nice to have the sea near you

    1. Thank you very much ^___^
      Yes, it's rather nice to live near the ocean and enjoy nice view every now and then hi hi.

  15. spoznione wszystkiego najlepszego jak zwykle nie moglam na czas bo siedzialam w berlinie ;)

  16. Kyaaa ale fajnie wygladasz :) wlasnie takiej spodnicy szukam tylko calej białej ;d Calkiem inaczej wygladasz.

  17. I really like your shoes, where did you get them, do you maybe still have the shop name or link? :)

    1. Thank you so much <3
      I've bough this shoes about 1,5 year ago and if I remember correctly I got them form this shop, but unfortunately they're not available there anymore
      I'm sorry for not being too helpful.

  18. Aww, too bad, I am looking just for shoes like this, cute but also casual :) But thank you for your help <3
